
S355J2W weathering steel

S355J2W weathering steel plates are resistant to bad weather and its chemical composition makes it resistant to rust while using in industrial and urban environment.

S355J2W Steel Benefits
Resistance to weather
Unique look
Wide range of applications: domestic and industrial
S355J2W Weathering Steel Standard Sizes
Thicknesses: 1.2 mm-50 mm
Widths: 1.25m, 1.5m, 2.5m
Lengths: up to 12 m
S355J2W Weathering Steel Plates Applications
These are specially used in:
Bridge Construction
Urban Furniture
Industrial Containers

We have specialization in supplying a wide range of S355J2W Weathering Steel to meet varied industrial construction requirements. Today, in construction industry, there is an increased demand for our corrosion resistant plates that are thicker and complies with a specific standard. S355J2W Weathering Steel Plates are procured from some of the most reliable vendors of the market. They use only finest quality of material such as steel and metal for manufacturing and fabricating S355J2WWeathering Steel Plates.

Email : znyning@steel-jw.com

Tel : 08637163332179

